Spanning three generations of a family, Avery Michael’s captivating new novel begins in pre-WW II Germany when Nathalie Weiss, a young Jewish woman, navigates the complexities of family, identity, and heritage as she faces her future. Two generations later, her granddaughter, Natalie Barlow, bearing the Americanized version of her grandmother’s name, uncovers a family history she knew nothing about, bringing forth staggering realizations about her true identity and place in the world. Ultimately, Natalie is forced to grapple with her own desires against the weight of secrets that, if revealed, threaten to tear her loving family apart.
Gain and loss are the two sides of the same coin.
In the summer of 1910, against the backdrop of blooming summer gardens and the gentle flow of Germany’s Innerste River, Nathalie Weiss, struggles with the choice between following her betrothed to America or remaining in Germany, secure in the arms of her loving family and vibrant Jewish community. Poignant conversations with her father, a devout German Jew, reveal contrasting worldviews that create a rich tapestry of cultural clashes and tender moments.
A Granddaughter’s journey of self-discovery.
Sixty-one years later, Nathalie’s granddaughter and namesake discovers letters and diaries that cause her to question everything she thought she knew about her family’s past. With echoes of her mother’s and grandmother’s independent spirit, Natalie Barlow pursues a quest for truth that will forever change her life.
Embark on an unforgettable journey with Avery Michael’s forthcoming novel, which is a moving testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the enduring power of family secrets across generations, and the ties that bind us together in love.